You are not alone

This is not a journey I would wish on anyone.

I have never felt so alone in my life. The grief seems unending, the pain unbearable. Who do you share it with? Who do you talk to?

I reach for my phone so often, to call someone that will listen, someone I can empty my soul to, someone that will allow me to yell, scream, and cry. But who can I call?

My family is all experiencing their own grief, in their own ways. We don’t really have the capacity to hold each other’s grief, because our individual grief is too much.

So I continue on this journey feeling lost, isolated, and desperately alone.

But I know I am not alone in my grief. You are not alone in your grief. I am here with you. You are here with me. Although we don’t know each other, we are now part of the same family. The family comprised of those that have lost a child, a grandchild.

This is not a family I am happy to be a part of, but I am a part of it, nonetheless. As are you. I will hold space for you in my prayers. I will hold space for you every time I write a post.

I will always think about you. I will always validate your feelings. I will always pray that you will journey through this and the journey will make you stronger.

Never forget that I am here. Never forget you are always thought of and prayed for.
