Category: Pain

  • You are not alone

    I have never felt so alone in my life. The grief seems unending, the pain unbearable…

  • Not a minute of an hour…

    Yesterday was the 3 month anniversary of Harlowe Hope’s death. It seems like it was yesterday while at the same time, feeling like it was a lifetime ago. The pain is still as raw and deep as the day Harlowe died. Just typing that she died breaks my heart all over again. I had so…

  • My Heart Broke, Twice

    June 23, 2024… we will never be the same On Thursday, June 20, 2024, my son and daughter-in-law went to their last appointment with the OB doctor and last ultrasound. Our little Harlowe Hope was doing great. My daughter-in-law was 37 weeks pregnant. The plan was to either induce my daughter-in-law or do a c-section…

  • Grief, I know her…

    Grief. I know her. I know her far too well. I met her decades ago, when I was a little girl. I’ve never liked her. I didn’t like her when I was a child, and I don’t like her now. Still, she continues to show up. Uninvited. Unwanted. Unwelcomed. She doesn’t seem to care.  She…